
Shift key , we know, used most often for caps lock.


“Since Shift is a modifier key, it can also be used in conjunction with the mouse.. For example, many programs will allow you to select more than one item by holding down the Shift key and clicking multiple items on the screen. It can also be used to select a section of text by clicking in one spot, holding Shift, then clicking in another spot. Finally, Shift is sometimes used for keyboard shortcutsthat perform common commands. For example, Control+S is the standard “Save” shortcut, while “Control+Shift+S” is typically used for “Save As…”

This word I got to know only last semester. My frind visited my home, and said,” Asif, please get rid of all these clutter on your table?” Yes, my table was really messed up, full of journal articles. not arranged in proper way.


The same word is here in GiS… there can be “clutter’ while working with GiS. We can get rid of it.

Where is Mauritania, does it do with Mauritus?? haha..

Mauritania is west African country…

Here is a question!!

Is attribute table the key for connecting to GiS to other software such as SPSS, SAS, Stata or SUDAN???


When we click right on the layer, we get attribute table in dropping menu.. and then we get the excel file, I mean required data for the concerned layer. Isn’t it fun???


Select by attributes remind me of SPSS, when we use less than or more than while recoding for new variables.


It is typical film dictionary word.  Like move on film… We can move the map and play around..haha the way the way to change the geography of word.. Playing with GiS is much better than playing on video game!!!


In GiS, it has “hand” like sign!


This word is very new to me, but it appears for the beginners. I didnt know its meaning, so I got it from freedictionary.com

‘any instruction that works first one way and then the other; it turns something on the first time it is used and then turns it off the next time’.

When we add one layer to the  all ready  existed map, itturns on itself on its own. We can make it appear or disappear.  Is it toggling?


Is toggling typical GiS word???


Try to toggle between data view and layout view!!



I am following  the last assignment of the GiS lab. It involves to find out the relationship between blood lead  level in children  and other variables like housing, road density, poverty and non-hispanic white population. I can imagine the relationship between  outcome of interest such as BLL and independent variables like housing and poverty. I am wondering and excited to know the correlation between BLL and other independent variables such as road density and non-Hispanic whites.

Of course, its not association; just correlation.

In short, this assignment is more epidemiology related. It has major component of statisitcs. I am new, but excited for analysis: I am eagerly looking forward this assignment with much interest and enthusiasm!!

Wow.. this file is amazing to get data for USA and New York city. In fact we can compare data. One thing crossed my mind. Lets get it in excel, then converting into spss or sas file and then playing with various variables. There is no need to play video games anymore haha….

By clicking on area profile, and then chose right things required for data. I didn’t explore it yet well.


Chicago, beautiful city, reminder of … , the city of wind… I went for the Epidemiology conference. I was completely involved with my capstone thesis.  As I did my internship with cancer survivors and the analysis had to a lot with the epidemiology, that actually motivated me to attend the conference by American Epidemiologists Association. Almost 200 delegates including faculties, PhDs, Pharma intellectuals, Public health students like me, Physicians interested in epidemiology like me made their attendance, some of them made their presence felt. I am not sure whether I did it. But by asking three four questions, I think I grabbed the attention of at least few people. As a result one of the lady working for FDA approached me and we had brief discussion over the patent issue related to HIV drugs.

Anyway, long story short: I was going through the abstracts among the loud music with yummy drink in hand. I saw the abstracts with beautiful maps. And of course, sweet lady from Houston presenting it in very charming way. WOW!! After all, gender is sometimes confounding factor..haha.. she presented the prevalence of various cancers in the maps so beautifully. Believe me, I felt myself  grateful to Lehman college, Professor Levitt and Professor Morako. I remembered, in career panel discussion as well, one of the panelists mentioned the use of GiS for food deserts.

I thought to start a blog, which might be at least helpful for myself. Thanks CUNY!! I love you!!

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